The only difference between Type 1 and 3 (+combined case)
The only difference between Type 1 and 3 is whether there is a second compensation or not. This second compensation normally occurs with one shoulder being rolled forward.
For example, in Type 3, the pelvis rotates to the left (L), which can result in the first compensation with the trunk rotating to the opposite side (Right=R). This is quite normal because if the trunk also rotates to L, the whole body will collapse to L. That is why the first compensation almost always occurs, although it seems weaker in some cases. This is Type 3 and it can happen with the pelvis rotating to R and the trunk rotating to L. In that case, please do the opposite to the instructions of each exercise in the class.
In Type 1, there will be one more noticeable compensation. If the first compensation is too strong, the trunk will keep rotating to R. To prevent it, the second compensation occurs with one shoulder rolling in. If the pelvis rotates to the left like in Type 1, the trunk tends to rotate to the right to maintain neutrality. If this trunk rotation occurs too much (over-compensation), the second compensation can then occur with right shoulder rolling forward. It can also occur in the reversed case (Pelvic rotation to R, trunk rotation to L and L shoulder rolling forward), so if that applies to you, please do the opposite to the instructions of each exercise in the Type 1 program.
* Combined cases
Type 1 and 3 can occur with pelvic sway, which is the main feature of Type 2. As mentioned in the self-test video, pelvic rotation is most important so decide which side your pelvis rotates to first.
If your pelvis rotates to L, you will be either Type 1 or a reverse case of Type 3 depending on other features like shoulder level. (please see other features in both programs to help decide). Therefore, choose one of them and you can add adductor exercises if you have pelvic sway. Normally, if your pelvis is higher on R, it can be said that your pelvic is swayed to R and vice versa.
If your pelvis rotates to R, you will be either Type 3 or a reversed case of Type 1 so decide between them and add adductor exercises if you have pelvic sway.